Friday 3 June 2016

Drones-an easy way of project estimation

The critical component of mining project evaluation is to estimate its accurate cost. This cost estimation enables to gather the information whether the proposed project is uneconomic, doubtfully feasible or clearly feasible. When a project is in its first phase, it is difficult for the project evaluators to gather the relevant data and information which further can be used for cost estimation of other phases. 

A cost-effective and accurate estimation method is aerial photography and aerial videography with drones. The use of drones mounted with DSLR cameras and sensors has proceeded rapidly in last few years. For many project evaluators mining with drones has provided them the real-time cost estimation of their projects as well as time and effort calculation.

Drones gather the multispectral data of lands and with the photographs and videos captured at a different time and different conditions provide the data of whether the proposed design will work or not. This captured Multispectral Data with drones is useful in determining the operational costs and development of the project undertaken. Use of drones is versatile, so if you also want to be ahead of your competitors and start your project early then FEDS is happy to help you. We offer high-quality drone services and solutions at a reliable cost.


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