Wednesday 29 June 2016

Access the information of archaeological sites with Drones services from FEDS

Today, almost all archaeologists are employing drones to discover and protect the archaeologist sites. Drones are the highest tech tools which derive the data of these ancient artifacts more accurately. The use of Drones in Archaeology has increased and with mounted infrared sensors, barometers and GPS devices, they are assisting archeologists to do their work and grab information. Archeologists are also mounting video cameras on these drones to keep an eye on the trespassers and protect sites from destructions. 
Another most common type of drones that are being used by various industry verticals is aerial mapping drones. These drones are becoming a helpful tool to map the information and create digital records of the sites. These pilotless mapping aircraft are an important tool in creating data-rich 3D maps of the sites. With Falcon Eye Drones, you can be assuring of having high-quality drones services and solutions at reasonable prices. Our motive is to help our clients to remotely access the locations and sites. 
While drones are revolutionizing the world, FEDS is there to give you best assortment of services for your growth among the competitors. Whatever be your industry, you can find all types of drone’s solutions with us. So, browse our site and get in touch with us.


Gather more precise information of your working site with drones

Gathering information of huge sites was a tough task as business owners were not able to gather the accurate information and map them. But with the evolution of technology and the introduction of autonomous lightweight 3D mapping drones, the ease of surveying, monitoring, inspecting and mapping of the sites can be enjoyed by the business owners. At Falcon Eye Drones, we offer reliable drone’s services and solutions those results in quicker and safer way of mapping the information of the working sites.

Our 3D mapping drones are technology advanced and integrated with sensors and cameras which gather the detailed information of the progress of the site. Not only this, you can also utilize our Aerial Photography Drones services and solutions to have the bird’s eye view shots of your location with varied angles. These drones make the flow of data seamless and provide you with the accurate imagery of the working locations.

As drone technology is expanding its potential for operational efficiency so it’s your turn to take advantage of this technology and stand apart from the competitors. Our drones will give you access to aerial data which can help you in having more accurate project plan and operations. Furthermore, all services are of supreme quality and are cost effective as well. 


FEDS-the best place for feasible Drones Aerial Photography and filming services

Nowadays, businesses are utilizing aerial data to increase their productivity, enhance efficiency and decrease the turnaround time. This aerial data can be best captured by drones as they are economic, fast, secure, reliable and robust solution for capturing the aerial images. At FEDS, we offer high quality Drones Aerial Photography services to the enterprises so that they can get the feasible solutions to enhance worker safety, ensure compliance and capture detailed information accurately. These aerial images provide the business owner with needed data to improve the decision making process.

We have been offering Aerial Filming UAE services and solutions to all industry verticals from years. Our motive is to help clients increase their productivity and have maximum return on investment by providing maps of the working sites. The images captured by our team are mosaic, and have high resolution. We are one of the top companies that give large scale aerial filming and aerial photography services to industries like agriculture, real estate, oil and gas and many more. 
With FEDS, you can also get on-demand drones services for your businesses per your requirement. Not only this, we give our clients the opportunity to customize our services based upon their budget, proposed usage and needs. 


Monday 27 June 2016

How drones for volume measurement can increase your output

Volume measurement of stockpiles is a daunting task and it hinders the ongoing progress of the site which results in lesser efficiency and decreased the level of output. To deal with a better time saving and accurate solution is drones. Volume Measurement with Drones is gaining popularity as it helps the production sites to monitor the inventory, estimate the measurement of stockpiles and make decisions about whether they require more material to fulfill their orders or not. It is vital information for sites owner as they can save their time, money and effort which they could have wasted on traditional methods of volume measurement rather than drones.

At Falcon Eye Drones, we offer economic Aerial Photography UAE solutions and volume measurement solutions to different industries. Our drones calculate the volume without sacrificing accuracy and give a detailed aerial map of the sites. The drones provided by us are safer, faster and cost effective which means you can save a lot of money which otherwise would be invested in traditional methods. Our drones are capable of capturing a large amount of data in few flights. These drones have highly advanced sensors and cameras mounted to capture the detailed information of the sites. So, if you also want to increase your production rate, then you can take advantages of our services.

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Friday 17 June 2016

How archaeologists are using drones in their work

Since 1970’s archaeologist have been aware of the fact that aerial images of IR wavelengths can be very much useful for surveying various sites that are covered by soil or vegetation. Though, in earlier days there was no economic tool which can help them in capturing images of the site but with the use of Drones in Archaeology, an archaeologist has gained a useful method to continue with their study of various hidden archaeological sites.
With the advancement in technology, aerial mapping drones have been used in a wider range by the archeologist. This is because drones are cost effective, fast and accurate in terms of other employed methods for aerial mapping, videography or photography. Drones are useful in carrying thermal imaging cameras which can easily detect the archaeological features of the site that are buried under. Archeologists are employing drones for other purposes as well. They are mounting IR sensors, magnetometers, and GPS devices to assist with their work.
In any case, if you also want to take advantage of the various applications of drones then you can contact Falcon Eye Drones. We have the highly advanced drones that are capable of taking varying shots from different angles. Our drones capture high-definition and high-resolution images and videos of sites in a short duration of time.

FEDS-The best spot to get economic drones services and solutions

If we talk about the traditional method of mapping various projects, lands and sites then you will find that they are much costly, require a huge amount of manpower and highly skilled professionals. But with the help of 3D mapping drones, the aerial imagery, 3D models, DSM’s, DTM’s and detailed data can be captured at just a fraction of the cost. Drones are a highly efficient and economic solution for mapping the volumes of stockpiles, carry out the progress of construction sites and monitor different lands.
drones for saftey
The use of Aerial Photography Drones nowadays is not limited. Every industry is utilizing drones to get the quicker access to data and information and generate more revenue with less expense. With Falcon Eye Drones, you can get the most sophisticated drones which are helpful in mapping and capturing images from every imaginable angle. Just discuss what type of drones you are looking for and we will provide you with the highest quality drones services and solutions at a much-budgeted price tailored to fit your requirements.
With us, you can get on demand, highly advanced and professional drones services and solutions. We have been producing results while maintaining the consistent quality. So if you need drones services and solutions of any kind, you can contact us.

Give your business new opportunities with aerial videos and images produced by Drones

Drones have gain immense popularity over the last few years due to their ease of use, cost effectiveness, and time saving. Stunning pictures, refreshing perspectives, and breathtaking views can easily be taken by drones. Drones Aerial Photography features allow the entrepreneurs to have the opportunity of showcasing their businesses in an adorable way. One can easily utilize drones for capturing aerial photographs from distant angles. The capability of drones to capture photographs from a height with the minutest details is making it the first choice of a businessman.
Whether you need to capture the progress of your construction project, showcase your real estate property to clients and buyers or produce corporate videos, Aerial Filming UAE services from Falcon Eye Drones can give you the desired outcome with the highest quality. Our drones are capable of encountering various obstacles like height limitations, pole-lines, low-level cityscape, populated areas and difficult to reach areas.
Our team is highly skilled and capable of flying above the ground up to 400 feet for giving our clients with the intimate shots which are not possible from airplanes or helicopters. We provide all the aerial photography and aerial filming services to different industries and businesses at a highly competitive price. So, if you want to have high-quality services at low expense, you can get along with us.

Get the exact measurement of your stockpiles with the drones provided by FEDS

Drones are the new tools which are helping the industries to calculate the accurate volume on any map. One can easily use drones for measuring the stockpiles and extracting pits. Volume Measurement with Drones is becoming more popular due to its advantages of measuring the accurate data and giving the users advantages of estimating their stockpiles.
At FEDS, we employ the highly advanced and modern drones which can fly over a larger area and measure it with the highest accuracy. The collected is then been processed by our expert team and a 3D model is made. This model helps in measuring the exact volume of stockpiles.
Apart from this we also provide Aerial Photography UAE services and solutions to other industries like real estate agents, farmers, corporate, oil and gas pipelines, wildlife support and lot others. We capture all the aerial images with the help of full frame DSLR camera which has a variety of lenses to shot the high-quality images.
All the photographs captured by our drones are in full high definition and have higher resolutions with excellent picture quality. So, don’t miss this excellent opportunity and take advantage of our drone’s services to access affordable aerial photography for your business.

Friday 3 June 2016

How drones are helpful in pipeline inspection

Earth crust has so much oil, gas and mineral deposits that are lying under the huge magnetic rocks. The knowledge of these rocks enables the geophysicists to predict the exact location of these deposits. Earlier it took years in searching these deposits but with the introduction of drones, it has become quite invincible. The pipeline inspection with drones has enabled to get the detailed information of these deposits with the help of digital, infra-red and thermal aerial photography and videography.

Drones have also been used in other ways. For example, to check the leakage in oil and gas pipeline, monitor the pipeline, corrosions, illegal activities and condition assessment. Another effective use of drones is perimeter control. To do the geographical survey of one’s area and surroundings, perimeter Control with drones is a new way. Doing so helps the owner of the property to check for any unwanted activities around their house.

Drones are mounted with cameras and sensors which monitor the ongoing activities and pass the images and videos to the mapping program. After this, the required information is gathered and necessary solutions are applied. If you also want to utilize these drones, then at FEDS you can get the highly advanced drones’ at the most genuine price.


Drones-an easy way of project estimation

The critical component of mining project evaluation is to estimate its accurate cost. This cost estimation enables to gather the information whether the proposed project is uneconomic, doubtfully feasible or clearly feasible. When a project is in its first phase, it is difficult for the project evaluators to gather the relevant data and information which further can be used for cost estimation of other phases. 

A cost-effective and accurate estimation method is aerial photography and aerial videography with drones. The use of drones mounted with DSLR cameras and sensors has proceeded rapidly in last few years. For many project evaluators mining with drones has provided them the real-time cost estimation of their projects as well as time and effort calculation.

Drones gather the multispectral data of lands and with the photographs and videos captured at a different time and different conditions provide the data of whether the proposed design will work or not. This captured Multispectral Data with drones is useful in determining the operational costs and development of the project undertaken. Use of drones is versatile, so if you also want to be ahead of your competitors and start your project early then FEDS is happy to help you. We offer high-quality drone services and solutions at a reliable cost.


Thursday 2 June 2016

Drones –The new age aircraft for safety and security purpose

Drones are highly used in the areas where manned aircraft are hard to reach. Due to their communication with the real-time data directly they are highly in use for safety and security purpose. As we already know that those drones are the union of digital media so their use for monitoring and surveillance of high-risk area is common nowadays. Be it a commercial industry, government or any local business, drones Safety and Security feature is attracting almost every one of them. Their still photography, motion video, panoramic imaging sets and other data enables them to maintain a high-security system that can monitor each ongoing activity.

Falcon Eye Drones is a specialised drone service and solution provider which provides fixed wing drones and multi-rotor drones. One more advantage of using drones for security and safety purpose is that light weighted and do not make noise. In this way, the monitoring is done simply without letting the trespassers know. Also, Drones for Real Estate is quite common. With the help of drones, these real estate firms are able to calculate the progress and estimated time for the completion of their project. We have a wide variety of drones available, so just pick the one that suits you best at most affordable price.


Advantage of employing drones for aerial photography

Nowadays, almost every industry is looking forward to the ways that can help them in gathering information at a faster rate and with less expense. Aerial photography is among the best-employed ways that are in trend. These aerial photographs are a good way to capture shots for photogrammetric surveys, topographic maps, land-use planning, archaeology, agriculture, pipeline inspection and other industries too. 

But employing helicopters, balloons, kites and parachutes involves a huge sum of money and also are a risk to the human life. One other way for taking photographs from an elevated position above the ground level is drones. Drones are the best substitute of Aerial Photography UAE.

These unmanned aerial vehicles are known for their ease of use and mounted cameras which are remotely triggered. One type of drones that is much in use is crop spraying drones. Almost farmers of every country are employing these drones to make their spraying process complete within few days and very less effort. 

These drones are capable of spreading the pesticides and insecticides at a wider scale in very short duration of time. You can take advantages of our high-quality drone service and solution. At FEDS, you get the highly reliable and scalable services at a very less price. So no need to think twice before employing us for your drone’s services.
